OpenShift vs Kubernetes: The Unfair Battle

image registry

The first is its docker vs kubernetes vs openshiftd Kubernetes; the second is its private cloud platform, often used to host OpenShift. Most fortune 500 companies use Docker and Kubernetes together to deploy their production workloads. These two technologies complement each other and will continue to do so for a few years. Check the official documentation if you wish to get more information about the docker swarm. This compatibility allows you to use the same software stacks and automation tools you’re already familiar with, enabling you to reduce the learning curve while adopting and using Kubernetes.


A Kubernetes cluster is made up of a single or a number of master machines called control planes and a single, or a set of worker machines called nodes. The components of the application workload, known as Pods, are hosted by the worker nodes, while the control planes, or master nodes, oversee the cluster’s worker nodes and Pods. Even if the comparison between OpenShift and Kubernetes lead to many points of differences, they complement each other. The additions in OpenShift provide a legible course of improvement over Kubernetes and can revise conventional notions of container orchestration. So, the possibility of an intertwined DevOps tools suite cannot be underscored here.

Docker can run any program because each container is self-contained. This is one of Docker’s most essential features, allowing you to configure the system more quickly and easily. Because of this functionality, codes may be released in fewer periods and with much less work. Since Docker may be utilized in a broad range of contexts, the architecture is not tied to the application’s environment.


Train at your own pace with 24/7 access to courses that help you acquire must-have technology skills. This makes OpenShift simple and easy to use, and time-saving for every developer considering the short learning curve. OpenShift is fundamentally built on Kubernetes, Docker, and some other open-source DevOps toolings like Istio. CI/CD OperationsJenkins is already integrated into OpenShift, making CI/CD setup simple. Upgrades and PatchesA little bit after the launches of Kubernetes, Docker, and other open source platforms, OpenShift updates its repository.

  • Docker provides a variety of tools and components to help you create and manage containers.
  • You can use any container run times like RunC, cri-o, podman, or Docker.
  • Alibaba was able to quickly perform many actions on a particular website while running as many containers as necessary, due to Docker.
  • You should take on a student’s perspective when learning, seeing as the initial understanding of ideas is one of the biggest barriers to learning not only containers and OpenShift but also Kubernetes.
  • To execute programs in a secure environment, Docker offers containers.
  • Despite its steep learning curve and configuration, Kubernetes provides superior horizontal scaling and supports a vast collection of plugins to extend its functionality.

Cloud Automation – Automation providers for virtual platforms such as OpenStack, VMware, and Red Hat Virtualization, as well as on-premises bare metals, are available in OpenShift 4. Cluster upgrades – OpenShift’s update service has a simple UI that allows administrators to keep track of available updates of the clusters. Browse Knowledgebase articles, manage support cases and subscriptions, download updates, and more from one place.

Comparing OpenShift and Kubernetes

Master will be responsible for scheduling the workloads on worker nodes. Master will decide on which worker node pods will be deployed for high availability. Docker is absolutely free to use, and there and so many readily used docker containers are available in the dockerhub. Many container technologies are available in the market like Java containers, Unikernels, LXD, OpenVC, Hyper-V Containers, Docker,podman, etc. The container is the standard unit of the application using which you can package up your applications, and you can quickly move the containers from one environment to another. It will behave in the same manner in all environments, whether dev, stage, or prod.


With this Docker Swarm, the managing cluster of Docker-based containers become easier. Because Docker Swarm is natively built to manage Docker Containers . Then, Clustering is an important aspect of Microservices and Container-based applications. Because, Single container is weak, and it is very difficult to overcome the Failover and Outage. Docker Engine is the layer between the operating system and the container images, and also offers native support for Swarm mode.

Containers and Images

We also learned about the docker and Kubernetes advantages and disadvantages. And as the time process and number of users increase, you can plan to scale up your application using Kubernetes. A Kubernetes cluster includes a master node and a bunch of worker nodes.

  • On the Kubernetes side, even though it now offers Kubernetes RBAC, you still have to set everything up by yourself, including other security protocols like IAM and OAuth.
  • Monitor, troubleshoot and secure your Kubernetes clusters with Sumo Logic cloud-native SaaS analytics solution for K8s.
  • Before switching between cloud services, you need to become familiar with the managed Kubernetes services in order to grasp how things work.

Premium service with constrained features and support for the entry-level package . Applications can be scaled by DevOps and IT staff by enabling clustering and adding new instances of the apps. OpenShift provides security context constraints that control the actions that a pod can perform and what it has the ability to access.

Technology Topics

In Kubernetes, you need to configure your own authentication safeguards. Thus, you would need to create bearer tokens or another method of authentication manually, which is time-consuming and tedious. Docker Swarm does not provide automated scaling based on resource utilization, unlike Kubernetes. In Docker, you execute commands and automation through a single API using a client-server architecture. Docker Hub is a repository of official Docker images and images from verified partners to help you build, share, and run images faster. Community support – Numerous engineers and organizations contribute to the Kubernetes open-source project.


Support for deployment with one click, empowering users to deploy applications with a simple “Git push” command. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform comprises a number of core components, such as an authentication engine for APIs, a scheduler, a management platform and data storage. Trusted Registry is a repository similar to Hub, but it provides an added layer of ownership and control over the storage and distribution of container images. It can be concluded that OpenShift features high-end security features, commercial customer support, user-friendly UI, and an option of the paid or commercial version. Being an open-source platform, OpenShift would not restrict you from sticking to the RedHat utilities as you can easily employ 3rd-party apps or utilities.

Kubernetes object deployment supports several concurrent and simultaneous updates, while OpenShift DeploymentConfig does not. OpenShift provides strong encryption controls to protect sensitive data, including platform secrets and application configuration data. OpenShift optionally uses FIPS 140–2 Level 1 compliant encryption modules to meet security standards for U.S. federal departments. Essentially Openshift container engine is a cheaper, cut-down version with a subset of the platform version’s features. You should take on a student’s perspective when learning, seeing as the initial understanding of ideas is one of the biggest barriers to learning not only containers and OpenShift but also Kubernetes. Utilize all the tools at your disposal, including blogs, YouTube, documentation, and any other online resources available to you.

Deployment is performed using the DeploymentConfig command, which cannot be implemented with controllers, rather can be used through dedicated pod logics. To deploy Kubernetes containers, you’ll need Kubernetes Objects that can easily handle concurrent updates. Also differentiating Kubernetes from Docker Swarm and Mesos is the concept of a Kubernetes pod, a group of containers scheduled together to make up a “service,” in Kubernetes terminology. Manage the life cycle of a container image from creation to deletion.

But, that same flexibility and complexity are also strengths that allow companies like Yelp and eBay to use Mesos to manage large-scale applications. Mesos can scale to tens of thousands of nodes, and has been used by the likes of Twitter, Airbnb, Yelp, and eBay. Apple even has its own proprietary framework based on Mesos called Jarvis, which is used to power Siri. Kubernetes has a somewhat steeper learning curve, and can take more effort to configure than Docker Swarm. Due in part to its tighter integration of features, Kubernetes is sometimes considered more opinionated than the other two engines discussed here.

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Posted: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source] can easily search for and manage container images using image streams. For instance, OpenShift restricts the running of Docker Containers as simple images. To maintain a minimum-security level on OpenShift, you will be required to have specific administrator privileges. Moreover, OpenShift offers an integrated server for easier authentication and authorization. These applications can range from simple three-tier web architectures to large-scale data ingestion and processing, and everything in between.

Technically challenging—to fully utilize OpenShift, you must have a working knowledge of both the technology and the market. Builder and Registry are two examples of Docker tools that work with OpenShift. To choose which frameworks or technologies you should integrate with the platform, you can assess OpenShift’s compatibility.